Unlock your full potential

Shed pounds, boost your health, and radiate confidence

Fitness Mentor

Innovative workout routines with specialised trainers and motivation.

Shape Up Strategy

A unique educational approach toward healthy eating.

Innovative Tech

Low Level Laser Therapy, reducing inflammation, enhancing neurogenesis producing anti-aging all while you train.

About Us

Who we are

At NuHuman we understand the need for self optimization a better version of yourself. In order to do that, you need to feel more healthy, confident and energetic. You may be struggling with your weight management and experiencing general health issues which make you feel embarrassed or stressed. We believe everyone has the right to better their mental and physical health. We understand not everyone can achieve these goals on their own without the necessary support. We here at NuHuman provide the perfect environment for human transformation supported by our Elite personal trainers, functional processes and biochemists you can achieve a better quality of life. The task of turning your life around may seem impossible to achieve, this is why we pride ourselves in our core focus to help as many clients succeed and achieve their weight loss and health goals and in turn making them feel healthy, confident and energised.

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Tired of feeling overwhelmed, left to your own devices, and being misled by the fitness industry?

A program with proven results

Success Stories

The NuHuman Approach


90% of disease starts in the mind and manifest in the body - a healthy body begins with mindset.

Movement is medicine

Exercise is our Polypill.

Quality of life

Maintenance, guidance and education for a better quality of life.

Avoid injury

NuHuman workouts are versatile and can be adjusted accordingly for injuries.

Avoid time wasting

Workouts and nutritional protocols have been designed to be extremely effective and time saving producing the best results.

Avoid disappointment

With over 700 documented transformations you can feel confident in the NuHuman way.

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News & Articles

Ozone Therapy

Ozone (O3) consists of 3 oxygen atoms that form to produce a protective layer in Earth’s atmosphere by absorbing harmful Ultraviolet Rays to prevent them from entering the atmosphere. Ozone

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Replacement meal shakes

A replacement meal shake is one of the most commonly used weight loss tools in today’s society. It is an easy on-the-go drink that contains a mixture of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins that generally resembles a low-calorie meal.

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Do this quick questionnaire so that we can assess your current health status. Taking the first step in becoming a healthier, energetic and more confident you.


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